Join us at the State Botanical Garden of Georgia on Sunday, July 22, for "Celebrating Our Native Flora and Fauna." There will be presentations and book signings by Giff Beaton (DRAGONFLIES AND DAMSELFLIES OF GEORGIA AND THE SOUTHEAST), Hugh and Carol Nourse (FAVORITE WILDFLOWER WALKS IN GEORGIA), and Linda Chafin (FIELD GUIDE TO THE RARE PLANTS OF GEORGIA). The event is free and open to all, but reservations are encouraged (706-542-1244 or garden@uga.edu).
In the news:
Frank X Walker, a contributor to THE RINGING EAR has started Pluck! a new journal of Affrilachian arts and culture.
Blanche Marie Brawly Vandiver, whose work appears in GEORGIA QUILTS, is featured in a nice hometown story about mountain quilters.
Our modest contribution to Potter Mania: In "Waiting for Harry," a Barnes and Noble online book club devoted to you-know-who, the group moderator begins a discussion about the importance of snake folklore to the series by recommending our book, THE SERPENT’S TALE.
Recent awards:
Further to our 6/12/2007 posting about DEVOTION, Julia Oliver's novel based on the life of Winnie Davis, Daughter of the Confederacy: The Military Order of the Stars and Bars has now posted full details about the John Esten Cook Fiction Award, which DEVOTION has won.
Recent reviews:
NEW CULTURAL STUDIES on PopMatters and Feminist Review.
DEMOCRACY RESTORED in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
We get blogged:
Read the poem "Zimmer Admiring Elephants," from CROSSING TO SUNLIGHT REVISITED, on the litblog Beatrice.com