Poet Mark McMorris, author of THE BLAZE OF THE POUI, recently did a reading at the Pyramid Atlantic Art Center in Silver Spring, Maryland. Val Lucas, an area artist, produced a broadside for the event. Letterpress printing is just one of Lucas's mediums. You can see the old Colt's Armory press that she restored, and samples of her work at bowerbox.com. McMorris shared the stage—and the broadside—with Cathy Eisenhower.

Mary Frances Broach Woodside is the grandaughter of Mrs. S. R. Dull, the longtime cooking columnist for the Atlanta Journal and author of the classic cookbook SOUTHERN COOKING. Mrs. Woodside and her son, Jim Holmes, stopped by our offices to give us to a look at her grandmother's personal copy of SOUTHERN COOKING. It was just what you'd hope to see: broken at the spine, foodstained, and filled with handwritten notes and clippings. Mrs. Woodside is holding her treasured original copy; Mr. Holmes is holding our reissued edition.