Dave Kaufman, author of PEACHTREE CREEK, on Good Day Atlanta (Fox News).
C. M. Mayo, author of SKY OVER EL NIDO (and a tireless proponent of writing from Mexico) in the blog Women of the Web Wide Poetry World.
Recent reviews:
THE PALE OF SETTLEMENT on NPR's All Things Considered.
SUPER AMERICA in the New York Times Book Review.
PROPHET FROM PLAINS in the Christian Science Monitor, Atlanta Style and Design, and the Charlotte Observer.
TELL BORGES IF YOU SEE HIM in the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
In the news:
The New Orleans Times-Picayune posted a recipe from CRAIG CLAIBORNE'S SOUTHERN COOKING, which we recently reissued.
We get blogged:
Ha Jin, whose Flannery O'Connor Award-winning short story collection, UNDER THE RED FLAG, was published in 1997, was recently the featured author on the blog of the Inkwell Bookstore (Falmouth, MA).