Paperback Row column in this Sunday’s New York Times will feature Anne Panning’s
Philip Levine recommends
BOY by Patrick Phillips in this month's
Hear poets from
THE RINGING EAR with Cave Canem founders Toi Derricote and Cornelius Eady on
New Letters on the Air.
The May/June issue of Orion Magazine includes a review of
AN EVERGLADES PROVIDENCE; the book is also featured in a piece in the
St. Petersburg Times by reporter Jeff Klinkenberg, who wrote frequently about Marjory Stoneman Douglas during her lifetime: “When she encountered Reubin Askew in 1971, she felt the need to remind the popular new governor that ‘your predecessors gave Florida land away like drunken sailors.’ Askew may have enjoyed a pro-environment reputation with voters, but by God, she wanted him to know he was on probation with her.”
The Spring 2009 issue of Fourth Genre reviews Michael Martone’s
RACING IN PLACE: “Intellectual playfulness is, in fact, one of Martone’s strengths, and as I read his book, I found myself making comparisons to Montaigne, the granddaddy of the form, who wondered once in an essay whether he was playing with the cat or the cat with him.”
In a lengthy review, the
Newnan Times-Herald calls
WHAT VIRTUE THERE IS IN FIRE a “ground-breaking” account of the Sam Hose lynching.
The San Antonio Express News
interviews Jeanne Campbell Reesman, author of
JACK LONDON’S RACIAL LIVES. Reesman will be signing books at The Twig in San Antonio this Saturday.
MARGARET FULLER: WANDERING PILGRIM appears in a round-up review in the
New York Review of Books.
Library Journal named
best science reference books of the year.