The authors of NORTH CAROLINA'S AMAZING COAST will launch their book at a program at Duck's Cottage Downtown Books in Manteo, NC next Tuesday (5/21). For more on the book and the launch, check out this press release from the NC Sea Grant. Co-author Terri Kirby-Hathaway also discusses the book in an interview with News 14 Carolina. Watch the video here.
OLD LOUISVILLE author David Domine and photographers Franklin and Esther Schmidt appeared on WHAS 11 last week. Missed the interview? Catch it below or here.
A story about our 75th anniversary appeared on the front-page of the Athens Banner-Herald. "'The press has a very strong reputation for publishing serious but accessible history, and that brand extends to our other disciplines as well,' said UGA Press director Lisa Bayer."
Savannah Morning News interviews Paul Pressly about his new book, ON THE RIM OF THE CARIBBEAN.
“Most historians stand on the Georgia coast and look west,” Pressly said. “I decided to take a new perspective and I looked east and south.”
Pressly uncovered something no other historians had ever written about.
“I asked the question, ‘How did an economic backwater like Colonial Georgia become an economic success?” Pressly said. “My research showed Colonial Georgia wasn’t just a fledging province, but an active force in overseas trade in the British Atlantic and the Caribbean.”
“Georgia’s role in the Atlantic has always been overlooked,” Pressly explained. “The colony was viewed as an extension of the Carolinas, so I had to ask myself, ‘How did Georgia develop a sense of identity?’”
The Daily Tribune interviews Joe Cook about his new book, ETOWAH RIVER USER'S GUIDE.
“It’s a great place to visit and the guidebook is a way to try to promote use of the river and hopefully then they become stewards of the river.”Cook will also be talking about his book and signing copies at the Georgia Center for the Book next Tuesday (5/21) at 7:15pm as part of the Decatur Arts Festival.
Jane Gerhard, author of THE DINNER PARTY, is interviewed for the Popaganda podcast for Bitch media. Listen to the interview here.
David Correia will be signing copies of his book, PROPERTIES OF VIOLENCE, at Page One Bookstore in Albuquerque, NM this Sunday (5/19) at 2:30pm.
Susan Puckett, author of EAT DRINK DELTA, will be speaking at the Georgia Center for the Book next Wednesday (5/22) as part of the Decatur Arts Festival. The event will be at 7:15pm in the Decatur Library Auditorium, and she will be joined by Atlanta Journal-Constitution dining critic John Kessler for an engaging talk.