Choice gives high recommendations to both THE EMBATTLED WILDERNESS and EMPOWERING WORDS. THE EMBATTLED WILDERNESS is "[a] valuable work on the importance of resource conservation, while EMPOWERING WORDS is a "fascinating book [that] introduces a largely neglected area of scholarship and is an indispensable resource."
Julian Hoffman's THE SMALL HEART OF THINGS receives a positive review from the Iowa Review: "What makes Hoffman's plea for a deeper engagement with the natural world so arresting is that this engagement doesn't come at the expense of a relationship with the often-messy political and social environments of a place, but rather strengthens it."
Avid Bookshop owner Janet Geddis recommends THROUGH THE ARCH as one of her top picks for the holiday season in the most recent Athens Magazine. She says it "will be the perfect gift for any UGA student past or present."
Campus Circle wants you to "[m]ake it through Thanksgiving Break with a little light reading!. . . With bands such as Mumford & Sons making old-timey music cool again, discover the roots of American music with FOLK VISIONS & VOICES. Art Rosenbaum’s awesome collection of songs from North Georgia features lyrics and music from such titles as 'I Used to Do Some Frolickin’' and 'He Could Fiddle His Way Out of Jail.'"
The Kenyon Review interviews Jacquelin Gorman, author of THE VIEWING ROOM.
Which non-writing-related aspect of your life most influences your writing?PlainViews, the online professional journal for healthcare chaplains, says THE VIEWING ROOM might be "a short quick read, but it will linger in mind for a very long time." THE VIEWING ROOM also got a mention on WNPR's Faith Middleton earlier this week. During his interview, author Wally Lamb mentioned THE VIEWING ROOM as well as an upcoming joint reading he and Jacquelin Gorman are gving at RJ Julia's bookstore in Madison.
I am intrigued by this question—by the term “non-writing-related” aspect of life, which for me does not exist. Every aspect of my life feeds into my writing. I don’t know how to turn off the writing part of my brain, which essentially observes and takes notes on everything I feel and see and do, and then uses the notes the next time I happen to be near a keyboard.
The Davis Enterprise reviews Clarence Major's DOWN AND UP, referring to its "distinctive language and rich imagery." Major will be reading from DOWN AND UP at The Avid Reader tomorrow (Nov. 23) at 7:30pm.
Kate Sweeney, author of the forthcoming AMERICAN AFTERLIFE, will be hosting a series of "Dismal Trade" conversations on her blog. In the first one, she interviews the filmmakers of "A Will for the Woods." Listen to the interview here.