Our White Sale ends at 12 noon EST, Sunday, September 30.
Recent interviews:
Mort Zachter, author of DOUGH, on NPR.
Riché Richardson, author of BLACK MASCULINITY AND THE U.S. SOUTH on Psychjourney Audio Book Club.
Recent reviews:
PEACHTREE CREEK in Creative Loafing and the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.
THE RINGING EAR in Rain Taxi: "Offers a consistently strong showcase of Black voices and a compelling and accessible organization, and should persist as an important articulation of the Black experience of the American South . . . The genius of this book and of Cave Canem's importance is obvious."
GOOD OBSERVERS OF NATURE in the Feminist Review.
THE PALE OF SETTLEMENT in Booklist: "Singer’s tremendous debut ... weaves together strands of familial identity, history, and myth to create a fascinating, many-hued narrative fabric."
THE PALE OF SETTLEMENT in Publishers Weekly.
CIRCLING HOME in Booklist: "Lane’s forays took him from a posh country club golf course to the local sewage treatment plant, through an abandoned graveyard, and past a burned-out ironworks. Each locale inspired eloquent and esoteric essays about the archaeological and ecological wonders found beneath his feet. Taken together, his descriptive reports create a painstakingly intricate portrait of the land he lovingly calls home."
DEPTH THEOLOGY in the Modern Review
GEORGIA QUILTS in Southern Living: "It's nice to see what was once dismissed as 'women's work' finally getting it's due . . . GEORGIA QUILTS offers more than quilts. It gives us the women who made them and 200 years of the Georgia in which they lived. It shows that so-called women's work is as much a part of the fabric of our state's heritage as wars and politics. Amen to that."
In the news:
Judson Mitcham, whose latest book is A LITTLE SALVATION, was recently the featured poet on Poetry Daily.
JOHN ASHBERY AND YOU looks at the last twenty years of the mtvU laureate's poetic output.
The Southern Texts Society, whose book series we publish, has a new web site. The most recent volume in the series is MARY TELFAIR TO MARY FEW.
FAVORITE WILDFLOWER WALKS IN GEORGIA gets a nod in this Atlanta Journal-Constitution piece about about wildflowers that bloom in the fall.
Recent awards:
A chapter from Jason Phillips' DIEHARD REBELS will appear in the anthology Best American History Essays 2008. The piece, titled "The Grape Vine Telegraph: Rumors and Confederate Persistence," originally appeared in the Journal of Southern History.
We get blogged:
Recommendation of THE SPIRIT OF ISLAMIC LAW in Islam and Christianity.
Mention of THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT IN AMERICAN MEMORY in a review of another recent civil rights history on mdot.
Recommendation of WORDS ABOUT PICTURES in One-Minute Book Reviews.