George Derek Musgrove and his new book, RUMOR, REPRESSION, AND RACIAL POLITICS, are mentioned in Shane Goldmacher's National Journal article on ethics cases that have been brought against African American lawmakers.
Poetry International reviewes Anna Journey's collection of poems, IF BIRDS GATHER YOUR HAIR FOR NESTING, saying that "[t]o read even the table of contents of this audacious first book is to fall. . .hopelessly in love."
WOMEN, GENDER, AND TERRORISM receives its first review this week from the Midwest Book Review: "Women, Gender, and Terrorism discusses the role of women and gender in the twenty first century, offering a unique view of the endeavor and what it speaks of in societies which may still strongly oppress women. . . .[it] is a strong addition to any collection focusing on women's studies or social issues in general."
Diane Mutti Burke continues to garner praise with a review in Kansas History calling ON SLAVERY'S BORDER "an outstanding work deserving of a wide audience."
Elizabeth S.D. Engelhardt's A MESS OF GREENS also earns its first review from the Midwest Book Review, which said that it "provides students of American regional culinary tradition in general and Southern cooking in particular with a fine examination of Southern gender and Southern food."
A review in the International Journal of Islamic Architecture praises Amy Mills' STREETS OF MEMORY: "[A]rchitects and scholars will benefit tremendously from Streets of Memory in understanding how urban space and residents are interconnected, how the urban environment is constantly reproduced by the cultural practice of residents, and how urban space in return shapes the resident's memories."
According to a review in Safundi, Laura Wright's "WILDERNESS INTO CIVILIZED SHAPES offers elegant readings of a diverse range of texts as the bedrock from which it is able to articulate significant complications and paradigm shifts to the field of ecocritical inquiry."