Make sure to pick up a copy of the latest issue of Victorian Homes. It features a multi-page spread of OLD LOUISVILLE, along with tips on how to achieve these looks in your own home. For example, "Dial up the details on [staircase] rails, flooring on stairs, or windows over the landing for a grand entrance."
photos from
Counterpunch reviews BEYOND WALLS AND CAGES in an article on incarceration in the United States. "This is a radical book that strips away any pretense that prisons and policies designed to place as many people as possible in them can be humane. The writers herein issue a clear and thoughtful call to reconsider the entire concept of prisons."

Southern Spaces features an excerpt from Jon Smith's FINDING PURPLE AMERICA. In the excerpt and newly written afterword, Smith tells of his efforts to create a garden in Birmingham, AL.
The Springfield News-Leader features a condensed version of Eileen Crist's chapter in LIFE ON THE BRINK, arguing that humans must be environmentally-conscious in order to survive.
Listen here for PROPERTIES OF VIOLENCE author David Correia's Santa Fe Radio Cafe, KSFR 101.0 FM interview about his new book.
You can also check out this video interview with David Correia on the New Mexico Mercury website.
SHORT STORIES OF THE CIVIL RIGHTS MOVEMENT editor Margaret Earley Whitt has a Letter to the Editor in a recent issue of the New Yorker.

The Monroe News Star selects NATHALIE DUPREE'S COMFORTABLE ENTERTAINING as one of the recent must-have Southern cookbooks of the summer. "Now reissued in paperback, the cookbook that allowed people to be comfortable while entertaining will reach a whole new audience."
Over on his Inside Higher Ed blog, John Griswold announces the forthcoming publication of his new book, KILLING PIRATES, due out this spring.