Happy Holidays!
Our offices will be closed from
December 24 to January 1.
We'll be back at work on
Friday, January 2, 2015.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Monday, November 24, 2014
Upcoming Events
Need a gift for the bibliophile on your list? Check out some of our upcoming author events for inspiration!

Tuesday, November 25
Time: 7 PM
Location: The Book Case, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Description: Reading/Signing
Monday, December 1
Time: 7:15 PM
Location: Decatur Library auditorium/Georgia Center for the Book
Description: Reading/Signing
Thursday, December 4
Time: 7 PM
Location: Scarab Club, Detroit, MI
Description: Performance for Literary Detroit's second anniversary
Wednesday, December 10
Time: 7 PM
ZERO TO THREE by F. Douglas Brown
Location: Eso Won Books, Los Angeles, CA
Description: Reading/Signing
And look for these exciting events for upcoming publications in 2015!

Wednesday, February 25
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: National Press Club, Washington, D.C.
Description: Panel discussion with James McGrath Morris (ticketed event)
Friday, March 13
Time: TBA
HONEST ENGINE by Kyle Dargan
Location: Innisfree Poetry Bookstore and Cafe, Boulder, CO
Description: Reading/Signing

Tuesday, November 25
Time: 7 PM
Location: The Book Case, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Description: Reading/Signing
Monday, December 1
Time: 7:15 PM

Location: Decatur Library auditorium/Georgia Center for the Book
Description: Reading/Signing
Thursday, December 4
Time: 7 PM
Location: Scarab Club, Detroit, MI
Description: Performance for Literary Detroit's second anniversary

Time: 7 PM
ZERO TO THREE by F. Douglas Brown
Location: Eso Won Books, Los Angeles, CA
Description: Reading/Signing
And look for these exciting events for upcoming publications in 2015!

Wednesday, February 25
Time: 6:30 PM
Location: National Press Club, Washington, D.C.
Description: Panel discussion with James McGrath Morris (ticketed event)

Time: TBA
HONEST ENGINE by Kyle Dargan
Location: Innisfree Poetry Bookstore and Cafe, Boulder, CO
Description: Reading/Signing
Friday, November 21, 2014
Short Takes
The first biography of William and Ellen Craft (for adults), LOVE, LIBERATION, AND ESCAPING SLAVERY is also the first telling of their story by a scholar. Complementing UGA Press's edition of the Crafts' 1860 memoir, RUNNING A THOUSAND MILES TO FREEDOM, Barbara McCaskill's new book examines the couple's two escapes from slavery, their activism on the transatlantic antislavery stage, and their work to assist the freed people in their birthplace in Georgia. To learn more about this new book, listen to the interview below.
Volume One Magazine interviews Debra Monroe about her memoir, ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF NORMAL. Check out the interview here to find out about her forthcoming memoir, MY UNSENTIMENTAL EDUCATION, that we will be publishing next fall.
Storyville recently featured FAULTY PREDICTIONS author Karin Lin-Greenberg's short story, "Bread," via its app. In case you missed it, check out the website to learn the story behind the story.
According to Covington News, COURTHOUSES OF GEORGIA is a "vibrant new photography book. . . . Organized by the nine travel regions of Georgia, the book offers the perfect starting point for touring any of Georgia's counties and instills an appreciation for historic preservation." Curious about why the Bartow County courthouse graces the cover of the book? Check out this article by the Daily Tribune.
In an interview with the Macon Telegraph, Association County Commissioners of Georgia executive director Ross King and photographer Greg Newington explain some of the thought behind COURTHOUSES OF GEORGIA:
In an interview with Island Packet and Beauford Gazette Reporter Erin Shaw, PENN CENTER author Orville Vernon Burton explains why the story behind Penn Center is "amazing."
The Durham Herald-Sun has a round-up of new titles, including Melissa Estes Blair's new book, REVOLUTIONIZING EXPECTATIONS. "The history of feminism in Durham is unique, in that it did not arrive 'through marches or mass demonstrations' but through organizations like the YWCA, which made the goals of feminism acceptable for more people." To learn more about the book, check out this interview with Blair at Warren Wilson College.
CBS News recently aired a piece on the University of Georgia's mascot, Uga. (Did you miss it? If so, check out the video below.) Want to learn more about Uga? Be sure to pickup a copy of DAMN GOOD DOGS.
Volume One Magazine interviews Debra Monroe about her memoir, ON THE OUTSKIRTS OF NORMAL. Check out the interview here to find out about her forthcoming memoir, MY UNSENTIMENTAL EDUCATION, that we will be publishing next fall.
Storyville recently featured FAULTY PREDICTIONS author Karin Lin-Greenberg's short story, "Bread," via its app. In case you missed it, check out the website to learn the story behind the story.
According to Covington News, COURTHOUSES OF GEORGIA is a "vibrant new photography book. . . . Organized by the nine travel regions of Georgia, the book offers the perfect starting point for touring any of Georgia's counties and instills an appreciation for historic preservation." Curious about why the Bartow County courthouse graces the cover of the book? Check out this article by the Daily Tribune.
In an interview with the Macon Telegraph, Association County Commissioners of Georgia executive director Ross King and photographer Greg Newington explain some of the thought behind COURTHOUSES OF GEORGIA:
'I wanted to capture the character of the building. [The courthouse] is the center of the community and a driving force behind community involvement,' Newington said.
King echoed Newington's sentiments. The buildings, King said, are not just to hold court.
'They are the people's building,' he said.In its review of the book, the Augusta Chronicle praises the photographs of the courthouses, suggesting folks buy the book "for the photos of these wonderful, historic buildings that represent their counties in the best of lights." Besides the beautiful photographs, COURTHOUSES OF GEORGIA also features brief histories of the 159 county courthouses. In an interview with WMAZ, former Georgia House Majority leader Larry Walker "says while helping with the book, he learned facts about his native Houston County courthouses."
In an interview with Island Packet and Beauford Gazette Reporter Erin Shaw, PENN CENTER author Orville Vernon Burton explains why the story behind Penn Center is "amazing."
Burton said he was drawn to Penn Center's story because it offers a different South Carolina history than most people are used to.
'Here was the alternate vision to segregation in South Carolina,' he said. Penn Center, originally called Penn School, 'allowed blacks and whites to treat one another as brothers and sisters.'

CBS News recently aired a piece on the University of Georgia's mascot, Uga. (Did you miss it? If so, check out the video below.) Want to learn more about Uga? Be sure to pickup a copy of DAMN GOOD DOGS.
Thursday, November 20, 2014
GEORGIA WOMEN shine at Spotlight on the Arts at UGA
Spotlight on the Arts at UGA was an incredible success, and the Press is proud to have been a contributing entity. Our event with authors Dr. Ann Short Chirhart and UGA's own Kathleen Ann Clark was held this past Tuesday in the Richard B. Russell Special Collections Library on the UGA Campus.
Chirhart and Clark gave a presentation entitled, "Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History: Georgia Women Shape the Twentieth Century," which was launched from their recent anthology, GEORGIA WOMEN: THEIR LIVES AND TIMES, VOL. 2 (published by the Press). Their talk was centered around three Georgia women—two lesser known figures, activists Lugenia Burns Hope and Vara A. Majette, and then one of the most famous women in Georgia history, Margaret Mitchell.
"One challenge we faced [in editing GEORGIA WOMEN] was finding connections between and among these eighteen incredible women," Chirhart said in the opening of the lecture. "Yet we still wanted to remain true to the independent women who had socio-political and cultural influence in many ways."
Dr. Ann Short Chirhart |
Perhaps most importantly, despite being trailblazers in their own times, these women set the stage for future actions. Lugenia Burns Hope's philosophy drew heavily on the Christian tradition, rejected exclusionary racial boundaries, and urged those to "love they neighbor as thyself." Almost half a century later, Coretta Scott King would be greatly inspired by Hope's actions and use her tenants to guide her own activism.
Vara A. Majette was largely critical of the media. She was skeptical of white men's claims that they had a moral duty to protect white women by any means necessary, and she blamed newspapers for fueling the fire of racial tensions in the South after the 1906 Atlanta race riots. Through her work, Majette was devoted to "turning racialized ideologies on their heads."
Dr. Kathleen Ann Clark |
Many thanks again to Dr. Ann Short Chirhart and Dr. Kathleen Ann Clark for joining us in Athens for our celebration of the arts, as well as providing us with a thoughtful and engaging talk. Though the week of Spotlight on the Arts at UGA has passed, these kinds of performances and events thrive in Athens year-round. The next on-campus Press event will take place on February 27, 2015, as part of a lecture series for the Willson Center for Humanities and Arts and will feature John T. Edge, Director of the Southern Foodways Alliance and general editor of the SFA Studies in Culture, People, and Place series published with the Press. We look forward to seeing you then!
Dr. Kathleen Ann Clark, Dr. Ann Short Chirhart, and Press Director Lisa Bayer at the GEORGIA WOMEN, VOL. 2 event |
Thursday, November 13, 2014
#UPWeek: Blog Tour Day Four
It's day four of University Press Week's blog tour. Today's posts will not disappoint. Because it's Throwback Thursday!
Here's what you can look forward to looking back:
Harvard University Press: Late last year HUP made roughly 3,000 previously unavailable backlist works available again, some of which were published back in the late 1800s. Many of the titles and subjects bear a resemblance to some reference (or something that might as well be referenced) in a Decemberists song. So their post: a quiz, asking the question, HUP title or Decemberists' song?
MIT Press: A look back at former MIT Press designer Muriel Cooper, who designed MIT Press's iconic colophon 50 years ago in 1964.
Temple University Press: A post on the development of Temple's influential Asian History and Culture series.
University of Toronto Press: UTP looks back at the publications of The Champlain Society, an historical society which publishes primary source archive material that explores Canada's history. The Champlain Society produces scholarly books every year that have been the object of meticulous treatment by specialists whose role has been to highlight the significance of the eyewitness accounts and to inform readers of the context in which these documents were drafted. The post highlights this year's volume on the writings of Pierre-Espirit Radisson, as well as include historical images from past publications.
University of Washington Press: UWP looks at a series of Asian American classics that they have recently reissued, with an emphasis on the evolution of cover designs over the years.
Wesleyan University Press: WUP's #TBT post is a poem by Alice Notley from Grave of Light: New and Selected Poems, 1970-2005, which WUP published in 2006.
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
#UPWeek: Blog Tour Day Three
Yesterday for day two of the University Press week blog tour, we blogged about our collaboration with New Georgia Encyclopedia. University Press of Florida, Fordham University Press, and Indiana University Press shared some great—and a few hilarious—photos of their presses through the years. Johns Hopkins University Press ran a Q& A with JHUP Art Director Martha Sewell and a short film of author and marine illustrator Val Kells in her studio. And Stanford University Press featured some old b&w photos of SUP and its printing facilities as they existed in the 50s and 60s that highlight the artistry and craftsmanship that goes into print publishing.
Today on the blog tour: popular culture.
Georgetown University Press: TV, espionage, and the academy. GUP highlights several of their books that dive deep into the dark corners of the history of espionage, all of which speak to the enduring popularity of espionage as a subject in popular culture.
University Press of Kentucky: Dalton Trumbo was a Blacklisted Hollywood screen writer of films such as 'Spartacus' and 'Roman Holiday' and a member of the Hollywood Ten who opposed the House Un-American Activities Committee. (Bryan Cranston recently debuted the "Cranstache" at the Emmy's, grown in preparation to portray Trumbo in an upcoming biopic directed by Jay Roach.)
University Press of Mississippi: UPM highlights their book Walt Before Mickey, which has been adapted into a movie set to open Thanksgiving Weekend.
University of Pennsylvania Press: Penn Press highlights their ability to publish books that cater to both niche markets and general audiences as well, spotlighting a few recent titles.
Princeton University Press: Q&A with math editor Vickie Kearn about PUP's book Alan Turing: The Enigma, which has been adapted into a film starring Benedict Cumberbatch and Keira Knightley titled The Imitation Game.
University of Wisconsin Press: Books that highlight issues that have become major news stories, such as gays in the military, militarized police, torture, and immigration.
Tomorrow is sure to be another day of excellent blogging. Stay tuned.
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
#UPWeek: Blog Tour Day Two
Yesterday for day one of the University Press week blog tour, we blogged about our collaboration with the New Georgia Encyclopedia. There were also great posts from the University of California Press, University of Chicago Press, Duke University Press, Project Muse/Johns Hopkins University Press, McGill-Queen's University Press, Texas A&M University Press, University of Virginia Press, and Yale University Press. (We did the tour yesterday: here are our highlights via Twitter.)
On deck for day two, Your UP in Pictures:
University Press of Florida: UPF in pictures through the years.
Fordham University Press: A photo collage featuring FUP events and memorable moments over the years.
Indiana University Press: A fun look at the history of IUP as they celebrate their 65th anniversary next year.
Johns Hopkins University Press: Q& A with JHUP Art Director Martha Sewell and a short film of author and marine illustrator Val Kells in her studio.
Stanford University Press: Old b&w photos of SUP and its printing facilities as they existed in the 50s and 60s that highlight the artistry and craftsmanship that goes into print publishing.
Stay tuned for tomorrow's posts as university presses take on their role in and relationship to popular culture.
Monday, November 10, 2014
The University of Georgia Press and New Georgia Encyclopedia: A Collaboration of Like Minds
It's Day 1 of the American Association of University Press Week Blog Tour, and we'd like to start by applauding our friends at Duke University Press for their new book, THE MUTLISPECIES SALON, and how it epitomizes this week's theme—collaboration. In this new approach to writing culture, editor Eben Kirksey creates an anthology that brings together analyses of insects, animals, fungi, microbes, and humans with strands of economic, political, and social life. More information on the book can be found here, and there's also an outstanding companion site in the transmedia collection that's definitely worth checking out.
Roughly 350 miles away from Durham in Athens, Georgia, the spirit of collaboration is alive and well here at the University of Georgia Press. The primary mission of the UGA Press is to support and enhance the University of Georgia's place as a major research institution by publishing outstanding works of scholarship and literature by scholars and writers throughout the world. But in order to ensure knowledge was available to expand upon, the New Georgia Encyclopedia was born. Now this year, for AAUP Week, the encyclopedia is being acclaimed as a groundbreaking collaboration to make knowledge accessible to all.

Director of the Press, Lisa Bayer, said, "The New Georgia Encyclopedia has become so deeply embedded in the ways in which Georgians of all ages (and people everywhere) learn about our state that I sometimes think we take it for granted. Where else can you find well-organized, vetted, expert information along with images, references, and crosslinking for free? We should be very, very proud—and supportive—of this amazing resource, which shares the rich history of our state with our world."
Kelly Caudle, project director and managing editor of the New Georgia Encyclopedia, elaborated on on how each compliments the other. "The NGE and the Press are natural partners, each doing its part to make the best scholarship on Georgia available to the academic community as well as the larger public," she said. "With a scholarly credibility endowed by the Press partnership, the NGE attracts a wide audience of readers curious about Georgia's stories—and in turn the NGE sends users straight to the authoritative source behind the entries: UGA Press books. It's been a mutually supportive partnership."
If you have any comments or are interested in learning more about the New Georgia Encyclopedia, the Press, or University Press Week, tweet to us at @UGAPress or talk to us on Facebook at the University of Georgia Press using the hashtag #upweek.
Monday, October 27, 2014
Upcoming Events
As October comes to a close, we enter the perfect time of year to curl up by the fire with some hot chocolate and a good book. If your reading list is lacking some fresh, interesting titles, be sure to check out these upcoming events by our authors for some riveting new reads!
4:00 PM
FAULTY PREDICTIONS by Karin Lin-Greenberg
Location: The College of Wooster, Wooster, OH
Description: Reading
Friday, October 31
11:15 AM
Location: Columbus, MS
Description: Decorative Arts and Preservation Forum talk: "American Afterlife: Cemeteries in Victorian and Modern Context"
Sunday, November 2
2:00 PM
Location: Morris Book Shop, Lexington, KY
Description: Book release
Sunday, November 2
4:00 PM
Description: Talk/Signing: "Why Does Jewish History Matter to American History?"
Sunday, November 2
6:00 PM
Location: Underground Wonder Bar, Chicago, IL
Description: Reading
Thursday, November 6
7:15 PM
SLAVERY AND FREEDOM IN SAVANNAH by Leslie M. Harris and Daina Ramey Berry
Location: Dekalb County Public Library (Decatur branch), Decatur, GA
Description: Talk/Signing
8:00 PM
Location: Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, MI
Description: Reading
Thursday, November 6
8:00 PM (doors at 7:00 PM)
Location: Atlanta, GA
Description: The Letters Festival reading
Friday, November 7
3:00 PM
PENN CENTER by Orville Vernon Burton
Description: Penn Center Heritage Day Symposium book release
Friday, November 7
3:00 PM
Location: Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
Description: Reading/Talk
Sunday, November 9
9:00 AM
Location: Center for Jewish History, New York NY
Description: Talk/Signing: "WWI and the Jews"
Monday, November 10
Location: University of Tennessee - Knoxville, Knoxville, TN
Description: Reading/Signing
Tuesday, November 11
3:00 PM
GEORGIA WOMEN, VOLUME 2, edited by Kathleen Ann Clark and Ann Short Chirhart
Location: University of Georgia, Athens, GA
Description: Talk/Signing, part of UGA's Spotlight on the Arts Festival
Wednesday, November 12
7:00 PM
GEORGIA WOMEN, VOLUME 2, edited by Kathleen Ann Clark and Ann Short Chirhart
Location: Margaret Mitchell House, Atlanta, GA
Description: Talk/Signing
10:00 AM
COURTHOUSES OF GEORGIA, by the Association County Commissioners of Georgia
Location: Houston County Courthouse, Perry, GA
Description: Book release
Thursday, November 13
7:00 PM
Location: Nicolas Books, Ann Arbor, MI
Description: Reading/Signing
Saturday, November 15
Time TBA
Location: Ann Arbor Jewish Community Center, Ann Arbor, MI
Monday, November 17
7:15 PM
GEORGIA WOMEN, VOLUME 2, edited by Kathleen Ann Clark and Ann Short Chirhart
Location: Dekalb County Public Library (Decatur branch), Decatur, GA
Description: Talk/Signing
Tuesday, November 18
Time TBA
Location: London Review Bookshop, London, United Kingdom
Description: Reading/Signing
Wednesday, November 19
6:30 PM

Location: The Queen's Head, Piccadilly Circus, London, United Kingdom
Description: Reading/Signing
Wednesday, November 19
Time TBA
Location: West Bloomfield Jewish Community Center, West Bloomfield, MI
Description: Scholar's Day at Jewish Book Fair reading/signing
Thursday, November 20
7:00 PM
Location: Center for Fiction, New York, NY
Description: Live book trailer performance
Saturday, November 22
Time TBA
Location: Kendal, Cumbria, United Kingdom
Description: Kendal Mountain Festival reading/signing
Tuesday, November 25
Time TBA
Location: The Book Case, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Description: Reading/Signing
Friday, October 24, 2014
Event for Georgia Women: Their Lives and Times, Vol. 2
Through history, southern women have often been more than the demure belles and sweet Georgia peaches that many frequently think - and the editors of a new volume about women's roles in Georgia history will speak about these dynamic trailblazers on Nov. 11 at the University of Georgia Richard B. Russell Special Collections Library.

GEORGIA WOMEN, VOL. 2 delves into the vital roles women played in twentieth-century Georgia, further detailing the contributions of commonly known women such as Coretta Scott King and former First Lady Rosalynn Carter, as well as highlighting lesser-known figures such as World War II aviator Hazel Raines and carpet entrepreneur Catherine Evans Whitener. The comprehensive collection of essays, published by the Press, is part of the Southern Women: Their Lives and Times series, which focuses on the lives of individuals that address larger issues and gender roles in the histories of various southern states and the nation.
"Women were leading actors in the 20th-century developments in Georgia, yet most histories minimize their contributions," said Lisa Bayer, director of the Press. "Collectively, the life stories portrayed in this volume deepen our understanding of the multifaceted history of not only Georgia women but also the state itself."
Further praise for GEORGIA WOMEN, VOL. 2 comes from Dr. Rebecca Sharpless, history professor at Texas Christian University and author of Cooking in Other Women's Kitchens: Domestic Workers in the South, 1865-1960, who commends, "An amazing group of women shine forth in this collection of essays. They represent the best of Georgia in the twentieth century, from the farm to the city; in the classrooms, the arts, and the halls of law; and on the streets fighting for justice. Georgia women have brought significant vitality and change to their home state, and their stories come together brilliantly in this volume."
A reception will follow the talk, and copies of both volumes of GEORGIA WOMEN will be available for purchase. Parking is available at the Hull Street Deck and at the Tate Center Deck, or access is available via free public transportation through UGA Campus Transit.
This event is part of the UGA Spotlight on the Arts festival and is co-sponsored by the UGA Libraries and UGA Press. For more information, contact Amanda Sharp at asharp@uga.edu or at 706-542-4145.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Short Takes

I started a series of poems called 'Study in Perfect,' prose poems, and some of them were page-long prose poems, and I realized they were closer to lyric essays, so I just went with the idea. That's where I am now. It's a much more relaxed form. It's a very natural form for me.
Publishers Weekly gives Monica McFawn's BRIGHT SHARDS OF SOMEPLACE ELSE a positive review: "Bursts of insight illuminate these carefully crafted tales; McFawn somehow wrenches the deepest humanity out of even the most unlikable characters."
In an interview with the Newnan Times Herald, Joe Cook talks about his research for the newly-released CHATTAHOOCHEE RIVER USER'S GUIDE, the second book in the Georgia River Network Guidebooks series.
'People are returning to the river. It’s such an exciting story, and it’s inspiring, because we have taken a stand, as a community, and said we’re not going to put up with this anymore,' Cook said. 'We want a clean river and we’re getting a clean river.'

Not Even Past interviews Leslie M. Harris and Daina Ramey Berry about their new book, SLAVERY AND FREEDOM IN SAVANNAH. Check out the interview with accompanying images here.
Congratulations, Leslie M. Harris and Daina Ramey Berry! SLAVERY AND FREEDOM IN SAVANNAH has won one regional and one national award. The regional award focused on the exhibits aspect of the project, as the Southeastern Museums Conference recognized it in its annual competition, which focuses on the interchange of ideas, information, and cooperation. The national award honored the complete project and was given by the American Association for State and Local History. Its Leadership and History Award is its most prestigious recognition for achievement in the preservation and interpretation of state and local history. Telfair Museums has more information about the awards available here.

Congratulations, Linda LeGarde Grover! Her book, THE DANCE BOOTS, has been selected as the Duluth Public Library's One Book, One Community winner. The public voted online through the Duluth Public Library's website, its Facebook and Twitter feeds, and on paper ballots at local libraries and bookstores throughout the region.
Thursday, October 09, 2014
Goodreads Giveaway x 3
We're giving away three different titles on Goodreads. Enter now to win an advance reader's copy of PENN CENTER, TYRANNICIDE, or ZERO TO THREE. Links to enter are below.
Enter to win
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Penn Center
by Orville Vernon Burton
Giveaway ends October 21, 2014.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Win one of two ARCs!
“This is an extraordinary book. It is the most complete history of Penn Center that has ever been written. Many stories and famous academic accounts have been concerned indirectly with Penn Center over its 150-year history, but this book goes straight to the heart.”—from the foreword by Emory S. Campbell, former director of Penn Center
Recounting the past 150 years of the Penn Center, Orville Vernon Burton and Wilbur Cross’s PENN CENTER is the first comprehensive study of the Penn School which was established on St. Helena Island, South Carolina in 1862 to provide a formal education for formal slaves. In later years, the school expanded to become Penn Normal, Agricultural and Industrial School and later a safe meeting place for Martin Luther King, Jr.’s Southern Christian Leadership Conference, as well as the Peace Corps. Today, Penn Center serves as a social services hub and museum.
Uncovering the all-but-forgotten legal battle over escaped slaves who were transported from South Carolina to Massachusetts on a British ship during the American Revolution, TYRANNICIDE examines how African Americans sought freedom and how white Americans in South Carolina and Massachusetts responded to this quest for freedom by writing diverging slave law between 1765 and 1789. The law they wrote began to solidify the division of America between free and slave states and would later be etched into the Constitution.
While many books discuss slavery in the Constitution and during the American Revolution, no other book highlights the story of the Tyrannicide affair, brings out the dynamic between national and local politics in developing a state’s law on slavery, or ties the specific contexts of slavery during the Revolutionary War to the writing of the slavery provisions of the Constitution.
Goodreads Book Giveaway
Zero to Three
by F. Douglas Brown
Giveaway ends October 22, 2014.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.
Tracy K. Smith, author of Life on Mars and winner of the 2012 Pulitzer Prize for Poetry, selected F. Douglas Brown's ZERO TO THREE as the winner of the 2013 Cave Canem Poetry Prize.
The poems in ZERO TO THREE focus on parenting and, more specifically, fatherhood in the midst of difficult situations and current events, such as Travyon Martin, Hurricane Katrina, and the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. ZERO TO THREE refers to the developmental period (conception to toddler age) that many clinicians and pediatricians believe is the most fundamental period for children whose delicate brains are undergoing drastic and formative change. Research also shows that parents, too, undergo formative change during this period alongside their children. ZERO TO THREE celebrates pop culture and family and laments the anguish and frustration of a parent losing a parent or a parent losing their temper, all while rejoicing in the fact that parenting is a wonderful mystery to witness.
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Orders via the UGA Press website
CUSTOMERS: Our online checkout service via our website is down
for a few days while we make some improvements.
Please call 800-266-5842 to place your orders.
Monday, September 29, 2014
Short Takes

Read Her Like an Open Book praises FAULTY PREDICTIONS author Karin Lin-Greenberg for being "a gifted storyteller."
Lin-Greenberg displays impressive insight into human nature and empathy for regular people trying to make sense of their lives and circumstances. She also possesses a nicely dry wit and a gift for realistic dialogue that pops off the page. Remember her name; she is a young writer worth watching.Check out the video below for an interview with Lin-Greenberg about FAULTY PREDICTIONS.
Karin Lin-Greenberg's "Faulty Predictions" from Colonie Library on Vimeo.
Sarah Gorham will read from and sign copies of STUDY IN PERFECT at Carmichael's in Louisville, KY on October 5 at 4:00pm. In advance of the event, LEO Weekly reviews Gorham's new book. "In addition to blurring the boundary between poetry and prose, Gorham’s writing is wonderfully free from other traditional boundaries — the personal and intimate bump right up against linguistics, literary analysis, architectural theory and other academic discourses."
To see a photo of Sarah Gorham reading from her book, STUDY IN PERFECT, at Prairie Lights, check out this article on the Iowa Writer's Workshop from the Des Moines Register.

Voice of Reason: The Journal of American for Religious Liberty recommends Lawrence J. McAndrews' WHAT THEY WISHED FOR, calling it a "detailed and impressive study."
H-Net's H-War reviews Kari A. Fredrickson's COLD WAR DIXIE: "COLD WAR DIXIE is a masterful examination of one particular community’s encounter with the modern military state, but one that has broader significance across the region and the nation."
Congratulations to Glenn T. Eskew, Stan Ulanski, Jane F. Gerhard, and Eric E. Bowne! Their books have been chosen for the newest edition of the AAUP selection guide for public and secondary school libraries:
Congratulations to Glenn T. Eskew, Leslie M. Harris, and Daina Ramey Berry! Their books, JOHNNY MERCER and SLAVERY AND FREEDOM IN SAVANNAH, have won the Georgia Historical Records Advisory Committee's Award for Excellence in Research Using the Holdings of an Archive.
Using Google Maps and a custom iconographic key, the Fall 2014 UGA Press Google Influence Map demonstrates the many associations the Press has with people, places, and organizations around the world. Listed here are workplaces of authors, editors, and other contributors whose books are being published this fall. View the map here.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Short Takes
Sarah Gorham's STUDY IN PERFECT received two positive reviews: Publishers Weekly and Brevity. Publishers Weekly calls it "superb" and "gloriously close [to perfect]," giving it a starred review.
Shelf Awareness invites "lovers of fiction" to read Monica McFawn's BRIGHT SHARDS OF SOMEPLACE ELSE and discover "a Flannery O'Connor Award-winning collection of short stories from an intriguing new voice in fiction."
Maurice C. Daniels's SAVING THE SOUL OF GEORGIA made the Atlanta Voice's Georgia Book Reading List. "Attorney Donald L. Hollowell was the quintessential behind-the-scenes powerbroker" for desegregating Atlanta and the South.
Joshua D. Rothman's FLUSH TIMES AND FEVER DREAMS is referenced in the blog post "We Got 99 Problems... Talking Racism is One" on the Lil' Mamas blog.
The Humble Essayist published a paragraph selection and commentary on Julian Hoffman's THE SMALL HEART OF THINGS. Check it out in the archive here.
Congratulations, Linda LeGarde Grover! Her book THE DANCE BOOTS is one of four finalists for the 2015 Duluth MN "One Book, One Community" read.
Sarah Gorham also shares her thoughts for "Writers Recommend" on Poets and Writers. Check it out here.Gorham’s voice is often philosophical, asking unanswerable questions and proposing theories about how the world works. . . . To support her elegant conclusions, Gorham draws examples from history, linguistics, pop culture, science, and literature. . . . But rather than remaining in the distant hypothetical or the realm of history or legend, most of Gorham’s examples of perfection and imperfection are solidly embodied in a particular life: its physical environments, human attachments, and trials and tragedies. Things do fall apart. And when they do, we have the opportunity to see how our idea of perfect may need revision.—Brevity
Shelf Awareness invites "lovers of fiction" to read Monica McFawn's BRIGHT SHARDS OF SOMEPLACE ELSE and discover "a Flannery O'Connor Award-winning collection of short stories from an intriguing new voice in fiction."
Maurice C. Daniels's SAVING THE SOUL OF GEORGIA made the Atlanta Voice's Georgia Book Reading List. "Attorney Donald L. Hollowell was the quintessential behind-the-scenes powerbroker" for desegregating Atlanta and the South.
Joshua D. Rothman's FLUSH TIMES AND FEVER DREAMS is referenced in the blog post "We Got 99 Problems... Talking Racism is One" on the Lil' Mamas blog.
The Humble Essayist published a paragraph selection and commentary on Julian Hoffman's THE SMALL HEART OF THINGS. Check it out in the archive here.
Congratulations, Linda LeGarde Grover! Her book THE DANCE BOOTS is one of four finalists for the 2015 Duluth MN "One Book, One Community" read.
Congratulations, Jenna M. Loyd, Matt Mitchelson, and Andrew Burridge! Their edited collection BEYOND WALLS AND CAGES has won the Association for Borderlands Studies (ABS) Past President Book Gold Award. The ABS Past Presidents’ Book Award is presented to any published monographic (single or multiple authored, including edited) book in the social and natural sciences, and humanities involving original research on borders, borderlands and border regions, and reviewed in the Journal of Borderlands Studies.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Now Hiring: Internship Opportunities Available
Internship opportunities available at the University of Georgia Press
The acquisitions department at the University of Georgia Press seeks interns for the spring 2015 semester. Interns work 8-10 hours per week and are unpaid. Interns will have the opportunity to learn the basics of scholarly book publishing as they provide ongoing support for proposed book projects moving through the review process. Interns are also encouraged to attend in-house meetings with staff. Candidates must be capable of writing clear, professional correspondence and of juggling and prioritizing multiple assignments.
Interns will have the opportunity to learn about:
-- communicating with prospective authors and reviewers
-- facilitating the peer-review process
-- maintaining project information in the Press database
-- logging images and permissions for forthcoming books -- preparing manuscripts and accompanying materials for transmittal to copy-editing
-- drafting and sending decline letters
-- conducting small research assignments
To apply, send résumé and cover letter by October 17 to Beth Snead.
The manuscript editorial department at the University of Georgia Press, the oldest and largest publisher of scholarly and general-interest books within the state, seeks interns for approximately 10 hours per week during spring 2015. The Press, which has a staff of 24 publishing professionals, produces 80-85 books a year and is located in the Main Library. Internships are unpaid.
The interns in manuscript editorial will learn the basics about the editorial process as texts accepted for publication move from manuscript to bound book. How do project editors coordinate the work of freelance copy editors and authors to provide a final manuscript to production? What is The Chicago Manual of Style and how do editors use it? What are design elements? How do editors track art, permissions, and other materials on a given project?
Tasks will vary, but the interns will aid the department with such things as the following:
-- editing indexes
-- preparing art inventories
-- preparing disks for copyediting
-- coding manuscripts for design
-- proofreading texts
The candidate must be a full-time student at UGA and should have a minimum 3.00 GPA; a working knowledge of Microsoft Word; a thorough understanding of grammar, spelling, and punctuation; an ability to attend to detail; and an interest in publishing. A proofreading test will be required.
If interested, send résumé and cover letter by October 17 to John Joerschke.
The marketing department at the University of Georgia Press seeks interns for spring 2015 semester. Interns work 10-15 hours per week and are unpaid. There are opportunities for interns to work in publicity and web marketing. Experience from these internships can translate well to marketing jobs in other art and entertainment industries. Students may be eligible for credit if they apply early enough and go through the right channels. Amanda Sharp (see contact below) can provide details.
Internship details are as follows:
Publicity Intern:
-- Will work with the publicity manager to help capture print and online reviews and excerpt key quotes for our database and online sales outlets.
-- Will also research niche publicity outlets and carry out specialized publicity mailings for new books, as time and interest allow.
Publishing Data Intern:
-- Will help distribute book metadata among the Press’s many trading partners. Metadata includes such elements as a book's title, author, and price. More complex metadata can range from a book’s table of contents to its subject areas. Our trading partners include booksellers (retail and wholesale), libraries, and data collection centers.
-- Ideal candidates will be highly organized, detail oriented, and have an interest in databases, cataloging, and online information exchange standards.
-- An interest in either a library or publishing career is a plus.
Direct Mail and Social Media Intern:
-- Will work with direct mail manager on direct mail efforts ranging from targeting course adoptions for scholarly books to reaching specialized retailers for general interest titles.
-- Work includes building mailing lists, researching niche markets, helping create mailing pieces, assisting with mailings, and email marketing campaigns.
-- Will help with daily posting to social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads. -- Institutional or professional experience posting to social media a plus.
-- May help occasionally in writing copy for various campaigns.
-- No design skills necessary.
-- Facility with audio and video editing a plus.
-- Working knowledge of Excel and Emma (email marketing platform) a plus.
To apply, send résumé and cover letter by October 17 to Amanda Sharp.
The design and production department at the University of Georgia Press seeks interns for spring 2015 semester. Interns work six to nine hours weekly. Interns will provide support for all aspects of the production process--as copyedited and coded/styled manuscripts are transformed into books in many different formats, including e-books, and as previously published titles are processed for reprinting. Candidates must have knowledge of or the ability to quickly learn the following programs within a Mac-based platform and workflow: Adobe Acrobat, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Excel, and Word. The ability to attend to detail is essential.
Interns will have the opportunity to learn:
-- illustration program management, from analysis of reproducibility to pre-press preparation
-- quality-control measures for different stages of proofs and samples
-- how to produce cover mechanicals for reprints
-- how to make text corrections for reprints
-- strategies for researching and requesting reprint permissions
-- how to enter and track essential information in Press-wide database
To apply, please send résumé and cover letter by October 17 to Melissa Buchanan.
The acquisitions department at the University of Georgia Press seeks interns for the spring 2015 semester. Interns work 8-10 hours per week and are unpaid. Interns will have the opportunity to learn the basics of scholarly book publishing as they provide ongoing support for proposed book projects moving through the review process. Interns are also encouraged to attend in-house meetings with staff. Candidates must be capable of writing clear, professional correspondence and of juggling and prioritizing multiple assignments.
Interns will have the opportunity to learn about:
-- communicating with prospective authors and reviewers
-- facilitating the peer-review process
-- maintaining project information in the Press database
-- logging images and permissions for forthcoming books -- preparing manuscripts and accompanying materials for transmittal to copy-editing
-- drafting and sending decline letters
-- conducting small research assignments
To apply, send résumé and cover letter by October 17 to Beth Snead.
The manuscript editorial department at the University of Georgia Press, the oldest and largest publisher of scholarly and general-interest books within the state, seeks interns for approximately 10 hours per week during spring 2015. The Press, which has a staff of 24 publishing professionals, produces 80-85 books a year and is located in the Main Library. Internships are unpaid.
The interns in manuscript editorial will learn the basics about the editorial process as texts accepted for publication move from manuscript to bound book. How do project editors coordinate the work of freelance copy editors and authors to provide a final manuscript to production? What is The Chicago Manual of Style and how do editors use it? What are design elements? How do editors track art, permissions, and other materials on a given project?
Tasks will vary, but the interns will aid the department with such things as the following:
-- editing indexes
-- preparing art inventories
-- preparing disks for copyediting
-- coding manuscripts for design
-- proofreading texts
The candidate must be a full-time student at UGA and should have a minimum 3.00 GPA; a working knowledge of Microsoft Word; a thorough understanding of grammar, spelling, and punctuation; an ability to attend to detail; and an interest in publishing. A proofreading test will be required.
If interested, send résumé and cover letter by October 17 to John Joerschke.
The marketing department at the University of Georgia Press seeks interns for spring 2015 semester. Interns work 10-15 hours per week and are unpaid. There are opportunities for interns to work in publicity and web marketing. Experience from these internships can translate well to marketing jobs in other art and entertainment industries. Students may be eligible for credit if they apply early enough and go through the right channels. Amanda Sharp (see contact below) can provide details.
Internship details are as follows:
Publicity Intern:
-- Will work with the publicity manager to help capture print and online reviews and excerpt key quotes for our database and online sales outlets.
-- Will also research niche publicity outlets and carry out specialized publicity mailings for new books, as time and interest allow.
Publishing Data Intern:
-- Will help distribute book metadata among the Press’s many trading partners. Metadata includes such elements as a book's title, author, and price. More complex metadata can range from a book’s table of contents to its subject areas. Our trading partners include booksellers (retail and wholesale), libraries, and data collection centers.
-- Ideal candidates will be highly organized, detail oriented, and have an interest in databases, cataloging, and online information exchange standards.
-- An interest in either a library or publishing career is a plus.
Direct Mail and Social Media Intern:
-- Will work with direct mail manager on direct mail efforts ranging from targeting course adoptions for scholarly books to reaching specialized retailers for general interest titles.
-- Work includes building mailing lists, researching niche markets, helping create mailing pieces, assisting with mailings, and email marketing campaigns.
-- Will help with daily posting to social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads. -- Institutional or professional experience posting to social media a plus.
-- May help occasionally in writing copy for various campaigns.
-- No design skills necessary.
-- Facility with audio and video editing a plus.
-- Working knowledge of Excel and Emma (email marketing platform) a plus.
To apply, send résumé and cover letter by October 17 to Amanda Sharp.
The design and production department at the University of Georgia Press seeks interns for spring 2015 semester. Interns work six to nine hours weekly. Interns will provide support for all aspects of the production process--as copyedited and coded/styled manuscripts are transformed into books in many different formats, including e-books, and as previously published titles are processed for reprinting. Candidates must have knowledge of or the ability to quickly learn the following programs within a Mac-based platform and workflow: Adobe Acrobat, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Excel, and Word. The ability to attend to detail is essential.
Interns will have the opportunity to learn:
-- illustration program management, from analysis of reproducibility to pre-press preparation
-- quality-control measures for different stages of proofs and samples
-- how to produce cover mechanicals for reprints
-- how to make text corrections for reprints
-- strategies for researching and requesting reprint permissions
-- how to enter and track essential information in Press-wide database
To apply, please send résumé and cover letter by October 17 to Melissa Buchanan.
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