Dr. Louis W. Sullivan's unusual yet innovative stance on the Affordable Care Act has captured the attention of many healthcare journalists in recent weeks. Unlike most, Dr. Sullivan is one Republican that is a strong supporter of Obama's healthcare law. At the opening session of the Association of Health Care Journalists 2014 conference in Denver last month, Sullivan discussed his unique stance and talked about his experience with health care. The Huffington Post reported, "[Sullivan] noted that many of the major provisions of the Affordable Care Act are based on the reform proposals he and other Republicans crafted more than two decades ago." (Click here to read the full article.)
Sullivan also talked about his perspectives of the Affordable Care Act during his interview with WGBH News in Boston last week.
Along with Dr. Sullivan's insights on current healthcare provisions, Sullivan also spoke about his experience with major healthcare issues from the past. Reuters quoted Sullivan's remarks of his experience with the HIV/AIDS Crisis at the 1990 International Conference on AIDS, "I wanted to have that conversation to try and establish a better relationship with AIDS groups." (Click here to read the full article.) Reuters noted the conflict between the George H.W. Bush Administration and AIDS groups that arose surrounding the healthcare issues of the time.
Other articles from the conference in Denver announced Dr. Sullivan's predictions and plans for the future. The St. Louis American quoted Sullivan who said:
We need to be sure that our population 50 years from now is educated and also has good health; and that population is going to be Latino, African American, Native American, as well as white, so from the standpoint of investing our future as a country, we need to be sure that all segments of our society are well-educated and also are healthy. (Click here to read the full article.)

Following his speech at the opening session of the Association of Health Care Journalists 2014 conference, Dr. Sullivan signed copies of his new book, BREAKING GROUND, which reports on his life and involvement with medicine and healthcare.