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Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Monday, September 29, 2014
Short Takes

Read Her Like an Open Book praises FAULTY PREDICTIONS author Karin Lin-Greenberg for being "a gifted storyteller."
Lin-Greenberg displays impressive insight into human nature and empathy for regular people trying to make sense of their lives and circumstances. She also possesses a nicely dry wit and a gift for realistic dialogue that pops off the page. Remember her name; she is a young writer worth watching.Check out the video below for an interview with Lin-Greenberg about FAULTY PREDICTIONS.
Karin Lin-Greenberg's "Faulty Predictions" from Colonie Library on Vimeo.
Sarah Gorham will read from and sign copies of STUDY IN PERFECT at Carmichael's in Louisville, KY on October 5 at 4:00pm. In advance of the event, LEO Weekly reviews Gorham's new book. "In addition to blurring the boundary between poetry and prose, Gorham’s writing is wonderfully free from other traditional boundaries — the personal and intimate bump right up against linguistics, literary analysis, architectural theory and other academic discourses."
To see a photo of Sarah Gorham reading from her book, STUDY IN PERFECT, at Prairie Lights, check out this article on the Iowa Writer's Workshop from the Des Moines Register.

Voice of Reason: The Journal of American for Religious Liberty recommends Lawrence J. McAndrews' WHAT THEY WISHED FOR, calling it a "detailed and impressive study."
H-Net's H-War reviews Kari A. Fredrickson's COLD WAR DIXIE: "COLD WAR DIXIE is a masterful examination of one particular community’s encounter with the modern military state, but one that has broader significance across the region and the nation."
Congratulations to Glenn T. Eskew, Stan Ulanski, Jane F. Gerhard, and Eric E. Bowne! Their books have been chosen for the newest edition of the AAUP selection guide for public and secondary school libraries:
Congratulations to Glenn T. Eskew, Leslie M. Harris, and Daina Ramey Berry! Their books, JOHNNY MERCER and SLAVERY AND FREEDOM IN SAVANNAH, have won the Georgia Historical Records Advisory Committee's Award for Excellence in Research Using the Holdings of an Archive.
Using Google Maps and a custom iconographic key, the Fall 2014 UGA Press Google Influence Map demonstrates the many associations the Press has with people, places, and organizations around the world. Listed here are workplaces of authors, editors, and other contributors whose books are being published this fall. View the map here.
Thursday, September 18, 2014
Short Takes
Sarah Gorham's STUDY IN PERFECT received two positive reviews: Publishers Weekly and Brevity. Publishers Weekly calls it "superb" and "gloriously close [to perfect]," giving it a starred review.
Shelf Awareness invites "lovers of fiction" to read Monica McFawn's BRIGHT SHARDS OF SOMEPLACE ELSE and discover "a Flannery O'Connor Award-winning collection of short stories from an intriguing new voice in fiction."
Maurice C. Daniels's SAVING THE SOUL OF GEORGIA made the Atlanta Voice's Georgia Book Reading List. "Attorney Donald L. Hollowell was the quintessential behind-the-scenes powerbroker" for desegregating Atlanta and the South.
Joshua D. Rothman's FLUSH TIMES AND FEVER DREAMS is referenced in the blog post "We Got 99 Problems... Talking Racism is One" on the Lil' Mamas blog.
The Humble Essayist published a paragraph selection and commentary on Julian Hoffman's THE SMALL HEART OF THINGS. Check it out in the archive here.
Congratulations, Linda LeGarde Grover! Her book THE DANCE BOOTS is one of four finalists for the 2015 Duluth MN "One Book, One Community" read.
Sarah Gorham also shares her thoughts for "Writers Recommend" on Poets and Writers. Check it out here.Gorham’s voice is often philosophical, asking unanswerable questions and proposing theories about how the world works. . . . To support her elegant conclusions, Gorham draws examples from history, linguistics, pop culture, science, and literature. . . . But rather than remaining in the distant hypothetical or the realm of history or legend, most of Gorham’s examples of perfection and imperfection are solidly embodied in a particular life: its physical environments, human attachments, and trials and tragedies. Things do fall apart. And when they do, we have the opportunity to see how our idea of perfect may need revision.—Brevity
Shelf Awareness invites "lovers of fiction" to read Monica McFawn's BRIGHT SHARDS OF SOMEPLACE ELSE and discover "a Flannery O'Connor Award-winning collection of short stories from an intriguing new voice in fiction."
Maurice C. Daniels's SAVING THE SOUL OF GEORGIA made the Atlanta Voice's Georgia Book Reading List. "Attorney Donald L. Hollowell was the quintessential behind-the-scenes powerbroker" for desegregating Atlanta and the South.
Joshua D. Rothman's FLUSH TIMES AND FEVER DREAMS is referenced in the blog post "We Got 99 Problems... Talking Racism is One" on the Lil' Mamas blog.
The Humble Essayist published a paragraph selection and commentary on Julian Hoffman's THE SMALL HEART OF THINGS. Check it out in the archive here.
Congratulations, Linda LeGarde Grover! Her book THE DANCE BOOTS is one of four finalists for the 2015 Duluth MN "One Book, One Community" read.
Congratulations, Jenna M. Loyd, Matt Mitchelson, and Andrew Burridge! Their edited collection BEYOND WALLS AND CAGES has won the Association for Borderlands Studies (ABS) Past President Book Gold Award. The ABS Past Presidents’ Book Award is presented to any published monographic (single or multiple authored, including edited) book in the social and natural sciences, and humanities involving original research on borders, borderlands and border regions, and reviewed in the Journal of Borderlands Studies.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Now Hiring: Internship Opportunities Available
Internship opportunities available at the University of Georgia Press
The acquisitions department at the University of Georgia Press seeks interns for the spring 2015 semester. Interns work 8-10 hours per week and are unpaid. Interns will have the opportunity to learn the basics of scholarly book publishing as they provide ongoing support for proposed book projects moving through the review process. Interns are also encouraged to attend in-house meetings with staff. Candidates must be capable of writing clear, professional correspondence and of juggling and prioritizing multiple assignments.
Interns will have the opportunity to learn about:
-- communicating with prospective authors and reviewers
-- facilitating the peer-review process
-- maintaining project information in the Press database
-- logging images and permissions for forthcoming books -- preparing manuscripts and accompanying materials for transmittal to copy-editing
-- drafting and sending decline letters
-- conducting small research assignments
To apply, send résumé and cover letter by October 17 to Beth Snead.
The manuscript editorial department at the University of Georgia Press, the oldest and largest publisher of scholarly and general-interest books within the state, seeks interns for approximately 10 hours per week during spring 2015. The Press, which has a staff of 24 publishing professionals, produces 80-85 books a year and is located in the Main Library. Internships are unpaid.
The interns in manuscript editorial will learn the basics about the editorial process as texts accepted for publication move from manuscript to bound book. How do project editors coordinate the work of freelance copy editors and authors to provide a final manuscript to production? What is The Chicago Manual of Style and how do editors use it? What are design elements? How do editors track art, permissions, and other materials on a given project?
Tasks will vary, but the interns will aid the department with such things as the following:
-- editing indexes
-- preparing art inventories
-- preparing disks for copyediting
-- coding manuscripts for design
-- proofreading texts
The candidate must be a full-time student at UGA and should have a minimum 3.00 GPA; a working knowledge of Microsoft Word; a thorough understanding of grammar, spelling, and punctuation; an ability to attend to detail; and an interest in publishing. A proofreading test will be required.
If interested, send résumé and cover letter by October 17 to John Joerschke.
The marketing department at the University of Georgia Press seeks interns for spring 2015 semester. Interns work 10-15 hours per week and are unpaid. There are opportunities for interns to work in publicity and web marketing. Experience from these internships can translate well to marketing jobs in other art and entertainment industries. Students may be eligible for credit if they apply early enough and go through the right channels. Amanda Sharp (see contact below) can provide details.
Internship details are as follows:
Publicity Intern:
-- Will work with the publicity manager to help capture print and online reviews and excerpt key quotes for our database and online sales outlets.
-- Will also research niche publicity outlets and carry out specialized publicity mailings for new books, as time and interest allow.
Publishing Data Intern:
-- Will help distribute book metadata among the Press’s many trading partners. Metadata includes such elements as a book's title, author, and price. More complex metadata can range from a book’s table of contents to its subject areas. Our trading partners include booksellers (retail and wholesale), libraries, and data collection centers.
-- Ideal candidates will be highly organized, detail oriented, and have an interest in databases, cataloging, and online information exchange standards.
-- An interest in either a library or publishing career is a plus.
Direct Mail and Social Media Intern:
-- Will work with direct mail manager on direct mail efforts ranging from targeting course adoptions for scholarly books to reaching specialized retailers for general interest titles.
-- Work includes building mailing lists, researching niche markets, helping create mailing pieces, assisting with mailings, and email marketing campaigns.
-- Will help with daily posting to social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads. -- Institutional or professional experience posting to social media a plus.
-- May help occasionally in writing copy for various campaigns.
-- No design skills necessary.
-- Facility with audio and video editing a plus.
-- Working knowledge of Excel and Emma (email marketing platform) a plus.
To apply, send résumé and cover letter by October 17 to Amanda Sharp.
The design and production department at the University of Georgia Press seeks interns for spring 2015 semester. Interns work six to nine hours weekly. Interns will provide support for all aspects of the production process--as copyedited and coded/styled manuscripts are transformed into books in many different formats, including e-books, and as previously published titles are processed for reprinting. Candidates must have knowledge of or the ability to quickly learn the following programs within a Mac-based platform and workflow: Adobe Acrobat, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Excel, and Word. The ability to attend to detail is essential.
Interns will have the opportunity to learn:
-- illustration program management, from analysis of reproducibility to pre-press preparation
-- quality-control measures for different stages of proofs and samples
-- how to produce cover mechanicals for reprints
-- how to make text corrections for reprints
-- strategies for researching and requesting reprint permissions
-- how to enter and track essential information in Press-wide database
To apply, please send résumé and cover letter by October 17 to Melissa Buchanan.
The acquisitions department at the University of Georgia Press seeks interns for the spring 2015 semester. Interns work 8-10 hours per week and are unpaid. Interns will have the opportunity to learn the basics of scholarly book publishing as they provide ongoing support for proposed book projects moving through the review process. Interns are also encouraged to attend in-house meetings with staff. Candidates must be capable of writing clear, professional correspondence and of juggling and prioritizing multiple assignments.
Interns will have the opportunity to learn about:
-- communicating with prospective authors and reviewers
-- facilitating the peer-review process
-- maintaining project information in the Press database
-- logging images and permissions for forthcoming books -- preparing manuscripts and accompanying materials for transmittal to copy-editing
-- drafting and sending decline letters
-- conducting small research assignments
To apply, send résumé and cover letter by October 17 to Beth Snead.
The manuscript editorial department at the University of Georgia Press, the oldest and largest publisher of scholarly and general-interest books within the state, seeks interns for approximately 10 hours per week during spring 2015. The Press, which has a staff of 24 publishing professionals, produces 80-85 books a year and is located in the Main Library. Internships are unpaid.
The interns in manuscript editorial will learn the basics about the editorial process as texts accepted for publication move from manuscript to bound book. How do project editors coordinate the work of freelance copy editors and authors to provide a final manuscript to production? What is The Chicago Manual of Style and how do editors use it? What are design elements? How do editors track art, permissions, and other materials on a given project?
Tasks will vary, but the interns will aid the department with such things as the following:
-- editing indexes
-- preparing art inventories
-- preparing disks for copyediting
-- coding manuscripts for design
-- proofreading texts
The candidate must be a full-time student at UGA and should have a minimum 3.00 GPA; a working knowledge of Microsoft Word; a thorough understanding of grammar, spelling, and punctuation; an ability to attend to detail; and an interest in publishing. A proofreading test will be required.
If interested, send résumé and cover letter by October 17 to John Joerschke.
The marketing department at the University of Georgia Press seeks interns for spring 2015 semester. Interns work 10-15 hours per week and are unpaid. There are opportunities for interns to work in publicity and web marketing. Experience from these internships can translate well to marketing jobs in other art and entertainment industries. Students may be eligible for credit if they apply early enough and go through the right channels. Amanda Sharp (see contact below) can provide details.
Internship details are as follows:
Publicity Intern:
-- Will work with the publicity manager to help capture print and online reviews and excerpt key quotes for our database and online sales outlets.
-- Will also research niche publicity outlets and carry out specialized publicity mailings for new books, as time and interest allow.
Publishing Data Intern:
-- Will help distribute book metadata among the Press’s many trading partners. Metadata includes such elements as a book's title, author, and price. More complex metadata can range from a book’s table of contents to its subject areas. Our trading partners include booksellers (retail and wholesale), libraries, and data collection centers.
-- Ideal candidates will be highly organized, detail oriented, and have an interest in databases, cataloging, and online information exchange standards.
-- An interest in either a library or publishing career is a plus.
Direct Mail and Social Media Intern:
-- Will work with direct mail manager on direct mail efforts ranging from targeting course adoptions for scholarly books to reaching specialized retailers for general interest titles.
-- Work includes building mailing lists, researching niche markets, helping create mailing pieces, assisting with mailings, and email marketing campaigns.
-- Will help with daily posting to social media accounts such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Goodreads. -- Institutional or professional experience posting to social media a plus.
-- May help occasionally in writing copy for various campaigns.
-- No design skills necessary.
-- Facility with audio and video editing a plus.
-- Working knowledge of Excel and Emma (email marketing platform) a plus.
To apply, send résumé and cover letter by October 17 to Amanda Sharp.
The design and production department at the University of Georgia Press seeks interns for spring 2015 semester. Interns work six to nine hours weekly. Interns will provide support for all aspects of the production process--as copyedited and coded/styled manuscripts are transformed into books in many different formats, including e-books, and as previously published titles are processed for reprinting. Candidates must have knowledge of or the ability to quickly learn the following programs within a Mac-based platform and workflow: Adobe Acrobat, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Excel, and Word. The ability to attend to detail is essential.
Interns will have the opportunity to learn:
-- illustration program management, from analysis of reproducibility to pre-press preparation
-- quality-control measures for different stages of proofs and samples
-- how to produce cover mechanicals for reprints
-- how to make text corrections for reprints
-- strategies for researching and requesting reprint permissions
-- how to enter and track essential information in Press-wide database
To apply, please send résumé and cover letter by October 17 to Melissa Buchanan.
Tuesday, September 09, 2014
Announcing the 2014 Winners of the National Poetry Series Awards
The National Poetry Series and the University of Georgia Press is pleased to announce the results of the 2014 open competition. Congratulations to all!
The winners are:
Viability by Sarah Vap of Venice, California, chosen by Mary Jo Bang, to be published by Penguin Books.
The National Poetry Series was established in 1978 to ensure the publication of poetry books annually through participating publishers. More than 160 books have been awarded since the series’ inception. Publication is funded by the Lannan Foundation, Stephen Graham, the Joyce & Seward Johnson Foundation, Juliet Lea Hillman Simonds, and the Poetry Foundation.
"Monograph is one poet's primary research on all things love--the erotic, the domestic, love's glory, and its accompanying rage. Simeon Berry's voice is irresistibly authentic, even at its most crafty. . . . 'There are things I've done to make the story better . . . the girl with the skull and crossbones hearing aid. . . .' This poet writes what everyone else (or, at least, many of us) are thinking regarding the morality of memoir. 'Everything you are talking about are open secrets. She wants you to feel like you're handing over the nuclear launch codes or something.' Smart and also wise, Berry's poems are stripped bare of ornamentation and read like columns of pure light."—Denise Duhamel
Simeon Berry has been an associate editor for Ploughshares and won a Massachusetts Cultural Council Individual Artist Grant and a Career Chapter Award from the National Society of Arts and Letters. His work has appeared in Crazyhorse, AGNI, Colorado Review, Blackbird, DIAGRAM, the Iowa Review, American Letters & Commentary, and many other journals. His first book, Ampersand Revisited, also won the National Poetry Series (Fence Books) in 2013. He lives in Somerville, Massachusetts.
For more information, please contact:
The winners are:
Monograph by Simeon Berry of Somerville, Massachusetts, chosen by Denise Duhamel, to be published by University of Georgia Press.
Let's Let That Are Not Yet Inferno by Ed Pavlić of Athens, Georgia, chosen by John Keene, to be published by Fence Books.
Let's Let That Are Not Yet Inferno by Ed Pavlić of Athens, Georgia, chosen by John Keene, to be published by Fence Books.
The Regret Histories by Joshua Poteat of Richmond, Virginia, chosen by Campbell McGrath, to be published by HarperCollins.
Double Jinx by Nancy Reddy of Madison, Wisconsin, chosen by Alex Lemon, to be published by Milkweed Editions.
Viability by Sarah Vap of Venice, California, chosen by Mary Jo Bang, to be published by Penguin Books.
The National Poetry Series was established in 1978 to ensure the publication of poetry books annually through participating publishers. More than 160 books have been awarded since the series’ inception. Publication is funded by the Lannan Foundation, Stephen Graham, the Joyce & Seward Johnson Foundation, Juliet Lea Hillman Simonds, and the Poetry Foundation.
"Monograph is one poet's primary research on all things love--the erotic, the domestic, love's glory, and its accompanying rage. Simeon Berry's voice is irresistibly authentic, even at its most crafty. . . . 'There are things I've done to make the story better . . . the girl with the skull and crossbones hearing aid. . . .' This poet writes what everyone else (or, at least, many of us) are thinking regarding the morality of memoir. 'Everything you are talking about are open secrets. She wants you to feel like you're handing over the nuclear launch codes or something.' Smart and also wise, Berry's poems are stripped bare of ornamentation and read like columns of pure light."—Denise Duhamel
Simeon Berry has been an associate editor for Ploughshares and won a Massachusetts Cultural Council Individual Artist Grant and a Career Chapter Award from the National Society of Arts and Letters. His work has appeared in Crazyhorse, AGNI, Colorado Review, Blackbird, DIAGRAM, the Iowa Review, American Letters & Commentary, and many other journals. His first book, Ampersand Revisited, also won the National Poetry Series (Fence Books) in 2013. He lives in Somerville, Massachusetts.
For more information, please contact:
The Coordinator
The National Poetry Series
57 Mountain Avenue
Princeton, NJ 08540
Phone: 609.430.0999 Fax: 609.430.9933
Monday, September 08, 2014
Announcing the Winner of the 2014 Association of Writers and Writing Programs Award for Creative Nonfiction
We are pleased to announce the winner of the 2014 Association of Writers & Writing Programs Award for Creative Nonfiction. Congratulations to Sarah Einstein, whose winning submission Mot: A Memoir will be published by the University of Georgia Press in the fall of 2015.
Einstein is a PhD candidate in creative nonfiction at Ohio University. Her work has appeared in journals such as Ninth Letter, PANK, and Fringe and has been awarded a Pushcart Prize. She is also the managing editor of Brevity.
Last year’s winner, Study in Perfect by Sarah Gorham, will be published by UGA Press on September 15, 2014.
"Mot, A Memoir is a stirring work of self-discovery that manages to be both profoundly vulnerable and emotionally ferreous, as the compelling narrator accounts her puzzling, almost compulsive empathy for Mot, a homeless schizophrenic man she befriends through a shelter program. The language is frank, often austere, even haunting, and the author’s willingness to confront the proliferating uncertainties of her own life gradually attains a brave literary grace. I was delighted by how, amidst the austerity that is her métier, she can suddenly take poetic flight. Speaking of the sight of a row of abandoned cars, she writes, 'Like the cattle skulls in cowboy movies, they mark the journeys of people who’ve tried, and failed, the same road we’re traveling.'” —John Phillip Santos
Thursday, September 04, 2014
Announcing the Winners of the 2014 Flannery O'Connor Award for Short Fiction
Congratulations to Toni Graham and Siamak Vossoughi, this year's winners of the Flannery O’Connor Award for Short Fiction! The competition continues to be a celebrated route to publication for literary short fiction collections. UGA Press is glad to have Graham and Vossoughi carry on this tradition.
Graham’s The Suicide Club and Vossoughi’s Better Than War will be published by the University of Georgia Press and will be available in fall 2015.
Toni Graham is a native of San Francisco. Her story collection Waiting for Elvis was winner of the John Gardner Book Award from Binghamton University. Her collection The Daiquiri Girls won the Grace Paley Prize for Short Fiction from the Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP). She is an associate professor of English/Creative Writing at Oklahoma State, where she serves as editor in chief and fiction editor for the Cimarron Review.
Flannery O’Connor series editor Nancy Zafris on Graham’s collection: “Already aliens in a strange faraway land called Oklahoma, the endearing characters in The Suicide Club are further alienated by the one event that unites their otherwise disparate group: the suicide of a loved one. In addition to marvelous language and descriptions, the author deftly employs humor not to deflect but to dig deeper into the undercurrents that our humankind try hardest to ignore even as these very undercurrents sharpen our sorrows and scrub us into the beings who stare back at us in the mirror. Often hilarious, the soaring funny asides accrue into piercing insights that begin to sear the soul. As we turn the last page, we are left better for having journeyed through a work that seeks higher ground and profundity, that seeks to unite heart and cerebrum and make sense of it all.”
Siamak Vossoughi was born in Tehran and grew up in London, Orange County, and Seattle. He graduated from the University of Washington and has lived in San Francisco since then. Along with writing, he works as a tutor and substitute teacher. Some of his writing has appeared in Faultline, Fourteen Hills, Prick of the Spindle, The Rumpus, and Washington Square. He is also the recipient of the 2013 Very Short Fiction Award from Glimmer Train. He is currently writing a novel. He is tremendously honored to have received the Flannery O'Connor Award.
Nancy Zafris on Vossoughi’s collection: “The short shorts that comprise Better Than War examine the fitful ways of assimilation and the particular loneliness of alienation, especially as they apply to Iranian immigrants. Although told from the point of view of several characters, the first-person tales dominate. What emerges is a bildungsroman mosaic constructed in pieces of language that are less idiomatic than philosophical. The puzzle-piece ruminations evoke reminders of Calvino and Kundera, American Iranian style. This is a young writer venturing into territory that will define his aesthetic style and ambitions.”
The finalists in this year’s competition are Kathy Anderson of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Oscar Cuevas of Brooklyn, New York; Emily Doak of Greencastle, Indiana; Louise Jarvis Flynn of Durham, North Carolina; Dana Fitz Gale of Missoula, Montana; Debbie Graber of Studio City, California; Becky Hagenston of Starkville, Mississippi; Liz Windhorst Harmer of Riverside, California; Christopher McCann of Bainbridge Island, Washington; and Jennifer Anne Moses of Montclair, New Jersey.
Congratulations to all participants and thank you for creating compelling short fiction. The award-winning books selected in last year's competition, Faulty Predictions by Karin Lin-Greenberg and Bright Shards of Someplace Else by Monica McFawn, will be published on September 15, 2014.
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