In an interview for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's NewPublicHealth, Dr. Louis W. Sullivan, author of BREAKING GROUND, answers questions about the history and future of improving the nation's health.
NPH: What other health issues still need keen attention to make us a healthier nation?
Sullivan: Disparities in health status between the white population on the one hand and the nation’s minority populations on the other. That is really quite striking and we have made only minimal progress. Life expectancy of African Americans is some five-to-seven years shorter than white Americans. Similar, though not as dramatic, disparities are in the Latino population, the American Indian population and the Native American population.
We have increased the awareness of these health disparities, and there is a lot of research that has started to get at more of the factors that cause these disparities and actual ways to help address them. We are still early on there, so that really is a challenge for today and really I think for the next two or three decades. It is critical to achieve because it will make a tremendous difference not only in the lives our nation’s minority and poor populations, but also make a significant difference for all Americans because we will have a stronger, healthier, more productive population. That will have economic benefits as well. So this is a major challenge for the nation.Michele Gillespie, co-editor of NORTH CAROLINA WOMEN was interviewed by the North Carolina Museum of History. The interview is available here (scroll down to NORTH CAROLINA WOMEN) or through the Apple iTunes Store at: iTunesU\NC Department of Public Instruction and Partners\Bits of History.
How does comparing "an out-of-print comic book and a politician’s co-written fantasy novels to the likes of William Faulkner" support Michael Kreyling's argument in his book, A LATE ENCOUNTER WITH THE CIVIL WAR? Read this review by Chapter 16, a publication of Humanities Tennessee to find out.
In a comparative review, Common-place proclaims THE ACCIDENTAL SLAVEOWNER as "[a]n important contribution to the study of historical memory."
On April 30, John Casteen will be reading poems from his books FREE UNION and FOR THE MOUNTAIN LAUREL at the Poetry Society of New York Ear Inn Series. The event is free and will be from 8:00pm-11:00pm at the Ear Inn on Spring Street in New York. More information can be found here.
Congratulations, Julian Hoffman! His book, THE SMALL HEART OF THINGS, has been named a finalist for the 2013 ForeWord Book of the Year Award for Ecology & Environment. Winners will be announced June 27.
Don't forget: the Loraine Williams Horizon Award for Manuscripts on Georgia History, Culture, and Letters is still accepting submissions. You have until April 30 to enter. Winners will receive a cash prize and a possible publishing contract with UGA Press. More details are available here.