UGA Press will be at the Savannah Book Festival on Saturday, February 6; our booth will be across Telfair Square from Trinity Church and adjacent to the Georgia Review. Festival events include the following UGAP authors:
Philip Lee Williams (noon, Trinity Church sanctuary)
David Kirby (1:00 pm, Telfair Academy rotunda)
Roy Blount, Jr. (2:00 pm, Jepson Center for the Arts)
Barbara Hamby (2:00 pm, Fellowship Hall, Trinity Church)

Big NPR weekend: Ian Marshall (WALDEN BY HAIKU) was splendid on Living on Earth, and the story "Departure" by Andrew Porter (THE THEORY OF LIGHT AND MATTER) ran on Selected Shorts.
The Christian Science Monitor reviewed the new paper edition of Porter's collection: "Of all the things to love about The Theory of Light and Matter, Andrew Porter’s wonderful collection of short stories, my favorite is how tenderly his characters treat one another’s failings and vulnerabilities."
The creative nonfiction journal Brevity insists that Sonja Livingston's GHOSTBREAD "captures the adult struggle to remember, the snippets that come to us in the middle of the night."
The site Books of Soul notes that BLACK NATURE was among the top 20 bestselling black books on Amazon in December. A three-day symposium on the book hosted by the Berkeley Institute for the Environment March 4-6 will feature contributors from the book including Harryette Mullen, Carl Phillips, Al Young, Ed Roberson, Evie Shockley, and Natasha Trethewey.

Thursday, February 18 at 7:00 pm, Decatur Public Library
Georgia Center for the Book
in association with the Georgia Association for Historians
Panel discussion on
featuring editors Ann Chirhart and Kathleen Clark
with Michele Gillespie (speaking on Mary Gay)
and Steve Goodson (speaking on Ma Rainey)
Free and open to the public