Philadelphia-based Lord Breaulove Swells Whimsy, author of The Affected Provincial’s Companion and The Perils of Sportswear, reviews Sharon White’s VANISHED GARDENS on his blog this week: “White has a gift for evaporating history. Her writing allows her settings to exist in all their incarnations simultaneously: a marsh, a grand estate, a factory, and a community garden… For many, reading this book will be like acquiring a new sense; it will enrich the way you experience this city.”
White will appear at the Philadelphia Flower Show and as a speaker at the Fairfield Works Interpretive Center in Philadelphia next week.
A thoughtful and comprehensive essay in International Studies Review describes FROM SUPERPOWER TO BESIEGED GLOBAL POWER as "accessible to a wide audience" and "extremely informative." The reviewer notes, "Each of the state and regional case studies serves as a mini-primer on contemporary politics.”
Peter Blaze Corcoran and A VOICE FOR EARTH: AMERICAN WRITERS RESPOND TO THE EARTH CHARTER appear prominently in a top news story in yesterday's Fort Myers Florida Weekly.
The most recent Studies in American Fiction praises John A. McClure’s PARTIAL FAITHS: “McClure makes a compelling case that a viable alternative has emerged between the mutually exclusive certainties of religion and secularism and that fiction is an important part of this cultural transformation. . . . McClure devotes the balance of his book to tracking, in clean and convincing prose, how this project plays out in divergent works of American fiction.”
We've just posted two new audio podcasts to the UGA Press YouTube channel. Andrew Porter reads the story "Departure" from his collection THE THEORY OF LIGHT AND MATTER and Victoria Chang reads three poems from her collection SALVINIA MOLESTA.
Upcoming area events
Sunday, March 8, 4:00 pm
Matthew H. Bernstein will discuss his just-released SCREENING A LYNCHING at The Breman Jewish Heritage & Holocaust Museum in Atlanta. Their exhibit on Leo Frank closes at the end of March and will travel to New York’s Museum of Jewish Heritage – A Living Memorial to the Holocaust, where Bernstein will speak on May 13.