Listen here for an interview conducted by Art Remillard, Book Reviews Editor for The Journal of Southern Religion, with Paul Harvey. They discuss Harvey's new book MOSES, JESUS, AND THE TRICKSTER IN THE EVANGELICAL SOUTH. The interview is posted on The Journal of Southern Religion's new blogspot/podcast, here.
To former U.S. Ambassador in Rwanda Robert E. Gribbin, Marc Sommers' new book, STUCK, "is an unusual and hauntingly sad book. It is a solidly researched sociological study of what youth in today's Rwanda see as their prospects."
The STUCK launch event was held at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars on February 28th. The Center recorded Marc Sommers and four panelists as they discuss his book. The video is available here.
For reviewer Kirsten Fermaglich, of the Journal of American Ethnic History, "Bernstein's strong book [SCREENING A LYNCHING]. . . .is a valuable addition to a growing body of work on the Phagan-Frank case and its impact on American Culture."
Listen here for an interview with Karen Kruse Thomas, author of DELUXE JIM CROW, on WYPR's "Midday with Dan Rodricks."
Choice "highly suggests" Michael Dorcas and John Wilson's INVASIVE PYTHONS IN THE UNITED STATES, calling it "an exceptionally well-illustrated, highly informative, very readable book."
The Journal of American History includes an article praising Brian Norman for his book NEO-SEGREGATION NARRATIVES: "Norman's reorienting anatomy of his chosen texts and his energetic defense of his conceptual and methodological underpinnings gives this study a rich blend of poise and provocation that has staying power." They also included reviews calling Melissa A McEuen's MAKING WAR, MAKING WOMEN a "well-written, compelling book" and Charles Reagan Wilson's FLASHES OF A SOUTHERN SPIRIT "revealing and risky."

According to the Journal of Historical Geography, in COMPANY TOWNS IN THE AMERICAS "[w]e are. . .left with vivid, well-researched portraits of the social relations embedded within a wide variety of company towns across the Americas."