BlackPoet Ventures begins auditions this week for actors and musicians to play R&B musician Donny Hathaway, his nemesis Mr. Soul, his muse The Angel, his wife, and an array of musicians and fans in a theater adaptation of Ed Pavlic's
WINNERS HAVE YET TO BE ANNOUNCED. Pavlic's book explores the rich musical life and tragic death of Donny Hathaway in a series of intense prose poems written as if spoken from points of view that shift from Hathaway himself to others who knew him more and less intimately. In Leah Marche's dramatized version, the imagined conversations of Pavlic's poems will come to life in a mix of on-stage spoken word, live music and movement.
Winners Have Yet to Be Announced will be the fall production in the Biorhythmic Series for BlackPoet Ventures, an organization founded in 2005 to make performance poetry more interesting and fresh by going beyond slam and open mic nights into new theatrical territory. The play opens October 15 in Phoenix.